The new C4FM Repeater has been installed. It is functioning in both analog FM and digital C4FM modes. There currently is no Wires-X functionality. Also Echolink is not functioning currently.
If you currently use the MARC repeater but are not a member we encourage you to be a part of the club. We would also appreciate donations to help with maintenance and equipment upgrades.
Monthly Board Meetings
The board meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm. Meetings are held via internet video link. If members wish to attend, please contact a board member listed on the "Contact Us" page for the internet video link information.
Monthly General Meetings
We now hold hybrid (in person and via internet video) club meetings on the FIRST Thursday of each month at 7 pm at the Yamhill County Auditorium, 2050 NE Lafayette Ave., McMinnville, Oregon.
If you are not a member but would like to attend just show up and have a seat. You are always welcome.
Our repeater is on 146.640 MHz - 100 Hz tone
Monday Check-in Net
This weekly checkin/information net is each Monday at 7:00 pm and everyone is welcome to check in.
Topics may Include, but are not limited to:
- Club announcements
- Q and A
- Items of Interest
- Trivia, Ham radio or otherwise
Net control for Monday evening nets.
Being net control is easy and fun. You get to know the call signs of others and get practice using your radio while in an friendly environment with no pressure. Mistakes are acceptable and no one will shame you. Below is the pre-written preamble you read so you don't have to worry about what to say. You can volunteer for one week, several weeks or an entire month to be the Monday evening net control. The club greatly appreciates your service to our organization.
If you would like to volunteer please contact our president Mike McInnis at E-mail
Net control Preamble
Ham Radio Topics Net
This weekly net is each Wednesday at 7:00 pm and everyone is welcome to check in.
Topics for this net are anything Ham Radio related such as:
- General Q&A
- Technical questions
- Sharing a recent contact
- Asking questions about equipment you have
- Inform net participants of equipment you want to buy, sell or trade
- Inform us of upcoming events or items of interest