ARISS End of Year SSTV
The ARISS team on the International Space Station will be supporting Slow Scan TV transmission only operations during the period of Dec 26-31 2021.
Keep up to date with our club's news and events.
Field day for 2024 was held June 21-23 at Beulah City park in Yamhill, Oregon. Several HF antennas were run through the trees on Friday. We made more contacts this year than last year, both voice and digital. The club summer picnic Saturday evening was well attended. McMinnville Water and Light brought out their emergency trailer to show and allowed us to test their equipment as a GOTA trailer.
The Christmas luncheon was held on Sunday December 10th at La Sierra in Dundee. We had a great turnout. We enjoyed lots of good food and conversation along with a white elephant gift exchange.
Field day for 2023 was held June 23-25 at Beulah City park in Yamhill, Oregon. We had several club members attend both days. Lots of contacts were made all over the U.S.
The Christmas luncheon was held on Saturday December 10th at the Black Bear Diner in Newberg. We had a good turnout. There was lots of good food and conversation along with a gift exchange. We thank Millie, W7MIP, for providing place setting treat bags.
The McMinnville Amateur Radio Club, in conjunction with the Hughes Amateur Radio Club, held Special Event Stations to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the the first flight of the Hughes Aircraft Company's prototype Hercules H-4 Flying Boat, commonly known as the Spruce Goose.
The Amateur Radio Clubs from both locations operated special event stations Oct 29th through Nov 5th. The McMinnville Amateur Radio Clubs call sign was W7RXJ and the Hughes Amateur Radio Clubs call sign was W6HA.
Events were limited due to COVID
What an amazing day at Field Day. We had around 50+ people at our location which was Camp Smith. Visit them on Facebook.
Our end of summer picnic this year had a great turn out with 40+ members joining us. We had burgers, hot dogs with everyone bringing various side dishes of their own for the potluck portion.
Public Newsletters are limited
*Newsletters are sent to members via e-mail
The new C4FM Repeater has been installed. It is functioning in both analog FM and digital C4FM modes. There currently is no Wires-X functionality. Also Echolink is not functioning currently.
If you currently use the MARC repeater but are not a member we encourage you to be a part of the club. We would also appreciate donations to help with maintenance and equipment upgrades.
The board meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm. Meetings are held via internet video link. If members wish to attend, please contact a board member for the internet video link information.
We now hold hybrid (in person and via internet video) club meetings on the FIRST Thursday of each month at 7 pm at the Yamhill County Auditorium, 2050 NE Lafayette Ave., McMinnville, Oregon.
Internet video links are sent via email to members a few days prior to the meetings. Those links are generally also shown in the monthly newsletter.
Our repeater is on 146.640 - 100 hz pl tone
This weekly checkin/information net is each Monday at 7:00 pm and everyone is welcome to check in.
Topics may Include, but are not limited to:
Net control schedule for Monday nets.
You can volunteer for one week, several weeks or an entire month to be the Monday evening net control.
The club greatly appreciates your service to our organization.
This weekly net is each Wednesday at 7:00 pm and everyone is welcome to check in.
Topics for this net are anything Ham Radio related such as: